General FAQs
Does enrolling at PSPVA give me priority into the blended or in-person options?
No When a student applies and enrolls in the Pine Springs Preparatory Virtual Academy, they are doing so for this specific learning option that PSPA provides. Enrollment in the Virtual Academy does not transfer to the Traditional or Blended Academy option. Enrollment in the Virtual Academy is a commitment to remain in the Virtual Academy for the entire school year.
How flexible is online school at PSPVA?
PSPVA offers a level of flexibility, allowing schedules that fit individual learning needs and lifestyles. Students can often complete coursework at times that work best for them, whether early in the morning, late at night, or in between other commitments. While PSPVA provides flexibility, it is important to remember that there are still deadlines and expectations for completing your work across all grade levels. Teachers set specific due dates for assignments, quizzes, and exams, and students are responsible for staying on top of these deadlines.
What subjects will my child study?
Language arts/English, math, science, and history are the core courses. There are also other courses in the appropriate grade levels, such as art, health/PE, music, and world languages. Visit our elementary, middle school, and high school curriculum pages for more details.
How much time do students spend on the computer?
In the younger grades, many of the online lessons include offline work. Students in grades K–2 spend about 30 to 40% of their time on the computer, while students in grades 3–5 spend about 50 to 60% online. Screen time increases in middle school, and by high school, most of the school day is online.
Do you provide curriculum for children with special needs?
Depending on a child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), we can tailor your child’s learning experience to meet your student’s needs. To discuss your child’s needs with us, call toll-free: 855.632.2034.
Can you accommodate the accelerated learning needs of my advanced learner?
The beauty of our program is that it is flexible enough to meet children where they are in any given subject and take them where they want to go. Grade placement assessments, completed as part of the enrollment process, allow us to place your student in the appropriate curriculum level. So, for example, if your 4th grader is doing math on a 6th grade level and reading on a 4th grade level, we can tailor lesson plans to meet your student’s abilities.